V. Space Combat
The most challenging of all hostile enviornments you will face is the void of space.
Your Gear has been outfitted with a specially designed cockpit to allow extended operation in the vacuum. Ceramic alloys were used to coat the outer skin of your Gear preventing damage from micrometeorites and hazardous radiation. Air processors will maintain a correct breathing mixture so you can survive in the airless void. And, thrusters have been installed to enable the Pilot to operate the Gear in three dimensions.
The basic thruster can provide forward and reverse thrust. (Numpad "+" and Numpad "-" for accelerate and decelerate respectively.) Maneuvering thrusters mounted all over the Gear provide full pitch, yaw and roll. (Up arrow and right arrow to pitch forward and back. Left arrow and right arrow to pivot left and right. Numpad "1" and Numpad "3" to roll left and right, respectively.) Be careful! You can build up a head of steam out there in space. You'll need to use the Numpad "-" key to decelerate or you'll find yourself "ping-ponging" off surfaces instead of landing on them (or hurtling off into the inky depths...)
The feet of your Gear are specially treated with advanced polymer adhesives which allow your vehicle to maintain traction on any object. To detach yourself from an object (like the hull of a spaceship), simply command your Gear to jump (Numpad "Enter"), or walk off a sharp-edged object to all into space, and your thruster controls will automatically activate. To reattach to a hull, just orient your feet toward the hull and touch down on the hull surface. (If your feet aren't oriented toward the hull, you'll simply bounce off when you hit.)
Single Player Walkthrough